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量子论坛:Memory Effect on horizon



报告题目:Memory Effect on horizon

报告人:吴小宁 研究员,洪堡学者,博士生导师 中国科星空官方网站(中国)股份有限公司数学研究所

报告时间:2017年10月31日(星期二) 下午4:30



Gravitational memory effect is a important effect for classical gravitation. Recently, Strominger et. al. found it also had deep relation with quantum properties of gravity. In Strominger's original paper, they only consiserd space-time which belonegd to so called C-K class (space-time which is close to Minkowski and contains no black hole). In recent paper, Strrominger, Hawking and Perrey generalied such idea to black hole case. In this talk we want to introduce this idea and some our realted work.